HTTP(S) Error Codes

We use the following error codes to help you troubleshoot easier: 

  • 503: System is assigning proxy. -> Please have patience, our system is looking for a new IP to be assigned to your proxy ports.
  • 503: The requested service is not available -> Your target website is not available or your proxy IP got disconnected while processing the request 
  • 429: Request limit exceeded. -> You have exceeded your number of allowed concurrent requests. 
  • 403: The data in the ‘<acc name>’ account’s plan have been consumed  -> You have no more bandwidth available. 
  • 407: Please authorise to access this resource -> HTTP basic authentication
  • 400: The request is not valid -> Your request is not valid. 
  • 403: This request can not be allowed due to ACL policy -> Your IP address is not whitelisted.
  • 403: This request is not allowed due to ACL policy. -> The domain you want to access is blocked. 
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